Unlike modern farming, organic farming methods come from thousands of years worth of experience in crop cultivation.
It is easy to forget just how long farming has been used for, with our ancestors being brought up to live off the land. Because of this, we feel that working with nature's natural flow is more than good enough when it comes to producing great, healthy crops. |
Many non-organic farmers use chemical pesticides to protect their crops against pests that quite literally, eat up their profit. The thought of pests feasting on your future lunch may not be the most appealing of thoughts, but these pests are an important part of the food chain and left to nature, living creatures will take care of the problem for you. |
Soil can rapidly lose minerals and nutrients, once the crops have been cultivated by farmers.
Organic farmers use a method known as 'green manure' to help promote healthy soil. Farmers will use remove dying plants and place them in the soil, so the growing crops can use their remaining nutrients. |